
从“审美”视域走向“境界”——论王国维的“知力意志”说 被引量:1

From the Perspective of "Aesthetic Experience" to "the Plane Attained" ——Study on Wang Guowei's idea of "the Will of Knowledge Power
摘要 王国维的“境界”说 ,是对其所研究与信奉的“审美”视域的学术超越 ;“知力意志”说是王国维从“审美”论向“境界”说发展过程的一个重要阶段 ;作为叔本华与尼采思想的综合提炼 ,它是理解王国维“境界”说真、善、美“同一”之域性质的一个重要概念。 Wang Guowei's idea of 'the Plane Attained' reflected his academic transcendence over the 'aesthetic experience' perspective upheld by him.The idea of 'the Will of Knowledge Power' represented an important stage of Wang Guowei's idea having developed from the 'aesthetic experience' perspective to the theory of 'the Plane Attained'. Inspired by the ideas of Shopenhour and Neitches, Wang produced the theory of 'the Plane Attained'. The theory is important because it is the key to understand his idea of the unification of sincerity, goodness and beauty.
作者 蒋永青
出处 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第4期65-69,共5页 Thinking
关键词 王国维 审美 知力意志 境界 Wang Guowei aesthetci experience 'the Will of Knowledge Power' 'the Plane Attained
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