目的了解2013年合山市存活HIV感染者/AIDS病人CD4检测情况,并分析其影响因素。方法使用2014年1月下载的截至2013年12月31日的艾滋病随访管理数据库,对相关数据进行统计分析。结果 HIV感染者CD4检测率为70.70%,AIDS病人检测率为92.35%,AIDS病人检测率明显高于HIV感染者(P〈0.01)。HIV感染者,离异或丧偶者检测率为82.86%,已婚者为79.76%,未婚者为39.47%;配偶/固定性伴阳性者检测率为84.38%,非婚异性性接触者为72.63%,注射毒品者为40.00%;20-39岁年龄者检测率最低为60.56%。AIDS病人,已婚者检测率为94.29%,离异或丧偶者为93.48%,未婚者为84.38%;配偶/固定性伴阳性者检测率为100.00%,非婚异性性接触者为92.62%,注射毒品者为80.00%;60岁以上病人检测率最低为82.61%。结论 2013年合山市存活HIV感染者/AIDS病人CD4检测率较低。
Objective To understand the status of CD4 detection among the survivors with HIV infection and patients with AIDS in Heshan city,2013,and analyze its influencing factors. Methods Use of the January,2014 downloaded follow-up database on HIV/AIDS up to January December 31,2013,the relevant data were used for statistical analysis. Results The CD4 detection rate was 70.70% among those with HIV infection,92.35% among the patients with AIDS,the detection rate of AIDS patients was significantly higher than that of those with HIV infection(P 0.01).The detection rate was 82.86% among HIV infected persons,divorced or widowed,married,79.76%,unmarried,39.47%;spouses/fixed positive partners,84.38%,unmarried heterosexual sexual contact,72.63%,IDUs,40.00%,20-39 years old with the lowest detection rate,60.56%.In AIDS patients,the detection rate was 94.29% for the married ones,divorced or widowed,93.48%,84.38% for singles;spouses/fixed positive partners,100.00%,unmarried heterosexual sexual contact,92.62%,IDUs,80.00%;AIDS patients over 60 years old with the lowest detection rate,82.61%. Conclusion The detection rate of CD4 is low among the survivors with HIV infection and patients with AIDS in Heshan city,2013.
Preventive Medicine Tribune