目的研究健康人群正常衰老过程中QT间期的相关因素,为提高健康人群心血管疾病危险评估提供依据。方法 2008年从沈阳、郑州、长沙3个城市4000名自我评价健康的城市居民中筛选出年龄≥35岁的1049例健康个体,分为35~44岁、45~54岁、55~64岁、65~74岁组及≥75岁组,进行基本身体状况、血压、血液生化和心脏超声检查,并记录12导联心电图。组间比较采用单因素方差分析,两两比较采用LSD方法;计数资料组间比较采用χ~2检验。变量间的相关性利用Pearson相关分析。多元素分析采用多元逐步回归方程。结果 QT间期65~74岁组(392 ms±3l ms)及≥75岁组(392 ms±33 ms)显著高于55~64岁组(381 ms±34 ms,P<0.001)。QT间期与左心房容积的相关性最强(r=0.215,P<0.001),其次为二尖瓣减速时间(r=0.16l,P<0.001),与射血分数(γ=-0.106,P=0.001)。多元逐步回归方程分析发现,QT间期与年龄(β=0.249,95%CI:0.122~0.376,P<0.001)、性别(β=8.827,95%CI:5.495~12.159,P<0.001)、心率(β=-1.276,95%CI:~1.429^-1.123,P<0.001)、左心房容积(β=0.344,95%CI:0.176~0.512,P<0.001)、二尖瓣减速时间(β=0.058,95%CI:0.023~0.094,P<0.001)以及左心室射血分数(β=-0.335,95%CI:-0.629^-0.041,P<0.05)独立相关。结论健康人群正常衰老过程中,QT间期与心血管危险因素,年龄、性别、心率、左心室收缩和舒张功能均独立相关。提示QT间期可能有助于改善健康人群心血管危险的预测水平。
Objective To evaluate the associated factors of QT interval in normal aging process in order to improve the early cardiovascular risk assessment in healthy population.Methods We examined 4 000 apparently healthy community dwelling subjects in three Chinese cities,and 1 049 healthy subjects were recruited and examined.Blood pressure,blood biochemical parameters,and cardiovascular ultrasonography were assessed.Pearson correlation analysis and multiple stepwise regression analysis were used to examine the relationship between QT interval and associated variables.Results The QT intervals of 65-74 years group (392 ms ±31 ms)and ≥75 years group (392 ms ±33 ms)were significantly higher than 55-64 years group (381 ms ±34 ms,P〈0.001 ).The strongest correlation was found between QT interval and left atrial volume (r=0.21 5,P 〈0.001 ),followed by MVE-DT (r =0.1 61 ,P 〈0.001 ).QT interval was negatively correlated with left ventricular ejection fraction (γ=-0.1 06,P=0.001 ).The stepwise regression analysis found that the QT interval was independently correlated with age (β=0.249,95%CI:0.1 22-0.376,P〈0.001 ),gender (β=8.827,95%CI:5.495-1 2.1 59,P 〈0.001 ),heart rate (β=-1 .276,95%CI:-1 .429-1 .1 23,P〈0.001 ),left atria volume (β=0.344,95%CI:0.1 76-0.51 2,P〈0.001 ),mitral E wave deceleration time (β=0.058,95%CI:0.023-0.094,P〈0.001 ),and left ventricular ejection fraction (β=-0.335,95%CI:-0.629--0.041 ,P〈0.05).Conclusion QT interval was independently correlated with traditional cardiovascular risk factors such as age,heart rate,heart systolic and diastolic function in normal aging process of healthy population.It suggested that as noninvasive and easy to evaluated electrocardiographic index,QT interval may help to improve prediction of cardiovascular risk in healthy population.
Chinese Journal of Heart and Heart Rhythm(Electronic Edition)