
石化企业恶臭风险等级评估方法及应用 被引量:2

Method and its application to the odor risk level assessment in petrochemical industry
摘要 恶臭污染的发生具有明显的偶然性和不确定性,亟须建立科学高效的分级管理体系,通过优化管理资源、强化源头管理,真正实现恶臭污染的全过程管理。在现有企业环境风险等级评估方法的基础上,结合恶臭污染的特性,构建了基于化学品使用、生产设备及工艺、风险控制和敏感受体的恶臭风险等级评估方法。在此基础上,以某化工园为例进行了恶臭风险等级评估,并与该地区近3年恶臭投诉结果进行了比对。结果表明,在评估的51家石化企业中,存在重大恶臭风险企业1家,较大恶臭风险企业17家,这18家企业平均每家企业的年均投诉次数是一般恶臭风险等级企业的4倍。 This paper takes it as its target to introduce a method and its application to the odor risk level assessment in the petrochemical industry. In the paper,we have established a method for grading the current environmental risk level for the need of the petrochemical companies concerned. For the said purpose,our research intends to focus on the following three points involving the method,that is,the chemical storage and usage,the process and risk control,and the external environmental sensibility with the odor risks. In hoping to optimize the particular factors in accordance with the characteristics of odor pollutions we have been trying to combine our method with a matrix method so as to make an assessment of the eventually graded companies in three levels( level 1,level 2 and level 3,literally signifying the major,significant and normal odor risk). In our paper,we have also studied the Q value,a signifying indicator for measuring the chemical quantity and threshold risk level,indicating the chemical storage and the usage risk. The key point of the said Q value and the threshold level can be worked out by referring to the US EPA's standard in this connection. At the same time,we have also studied the process and the risk control level represented by M value in accordance with an assessment table,which lists 6 major factors,that is,the process,the risk prevention,the emergency management,the management and control of the major hazard installations for dangerous chemicals,the pollutant treatment,the accident records with a 16 subclass factors under the 6 major factors. Furthermore,we have established three different scenes for defining the external environmental sensibility in a form of a risk assessment matrix. While using the method and the trial application to a chemical industry park including a total number of 51 petrochemical companies,we have made a comparison by using the complaint records of the said companies in the area over the last three years. The results have shown that,of all the 51 petrochemic
作者 俞欣 陈鸣
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期322-326,共5页 Journal of Safety and Environment
关键词 环境工程学 恶臭污染 环境风险 环境风险评估 风险管理 environmental engineering odor pollution environmental risk environmental risk assessment risk management
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