细胞色素P450 2E1(CYP2E1)在生物体内许多内源性或外源性物质的代谢过程中发挥着重要作用。CYP2E1主要分布在肝脏中,同时在肝外组织如心脏、肾脏等也有高表达。CYP2E1参与活性氧自由基的生成,引发氧化应激反应、脂质过氧化反应、炎性反应和细胞凋亡等过程,进而对机体产生毒性,诱发脂肪性肝病、糖尿病及肿瘤等疾病。本文综述了CYP2E1的毒性机制研究进展以及其在心脏毒性评价中的展望,其可能作为一个潜在的心脏毒性评价新指标应用于新药安全性评价中。
Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) in many endogenous or exogenous substances play an important role in the process of metabolism. CYP2E1 mainly expresses in liver, at the same time, in extra hepatic tissues such as heart, kid-ney and other place also has a high expression. CYP2E1 participates into the generate of reactive oxygen species, caus-es oxidant stress, lipid peroxidation, inflammatory response and apoptosis and so on, then produce toxicity to the body, and is related to fatty liver, diabetes, cancer, and so on. This article summarizes the toxicity mechanism of CYP2E1 re-search progress and the prospect of in the evaluation of cardiac toxicity, and may be as a potential new cardiac toxicity assessment indicators used in the safety evaluation of new drugs.
China Medical Herald