
圣里艺文 萃于一编——读周洪才新著《济宁历代著述考》

A Compilation of Yiwen in Confucius and Mencius' Hometown——An Analysis on The Textual Research on Writings of All Dynasties in Jining written by Zhou Hongcai
摘要 济宁为孔孟故里,儒学发源地,世家望族甚多,文人学士尤众,且文物密集,随处可见,向有"济宁汉碑半天下"的说法,著述方面,自然亦属一大重镇,洵非其他地区可比。周洪才《济宁历代著述考》就是全面著录济宁及所属兖州、曲阜、邹城、金乡、嘉祥、汶上、鱼台、梁山、微山、泗水历代著述情况的地方文献专著,是对以济宁为核心的鲁文化的一次检阅和总结,具有标志性意义。本文以实际例证,简要论述了该书在收录、体例、内容三个方面的独特价值。 As the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, Jining is the cradle of Confucianism. There are many notable families, distinguished scholars, and cultural relics in Jining. It is known to all that "Jining has half of the world's steles of Hart Dynasty". Besides, Jining is an important center of writings that nowhere else could compare with. The Textual Research on Writings o[ All Dynasties in Jining written by Zhou Hongcai comprehen- sively describes writings of all dynasties in Jining city and areas belonging to it, such as Yanzhou, Qufu, Zoucheng, Jinxiang, Jiaxiang, Wenshang, Yutai, Liangshan, Weishan and Sishui. The book is a review and summary of Lu culture whose core place is Jining and it has symbolic significance. Based on actual examples, this paper briefly discusses the unique value of the book in three aspects: collection, organization and content.
作者 钟淑娥
机构地区 山东大学图书馆
出处 《山东图书馆学刊》 2015年第3期99-101,108,共4页 The Library Journal of Shandong
关键词 济宁历代著述考 济宁著述 孔孟故里 周洪才 郭氏族谱 堂规 The Textual Research on Writings of AU Dynasties in Jirring', Writings in Jining The home-town of Confucius and Mencius Zhou Hongcai Guo's family tree Rules of the government office in ancient China
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