在核电厂管道的破前漏裂纹稳定性分析中,比较常用的是使用J积分-撕裂模量汇交方法 (简称J-T方法)来计算极限载荷和临界裂纹长度。本文利用有限元方法,建立含有裂纹的管道模型,指出裂纹尖端网格设置的关键点;然后用Abaqus软件对含有裂纹的管道模型进行J-积分分析;最后根据计算的结果,运用J积分-撕裂模量汇交方法计算出临界裂纹尺寸。将所得的计算结果与理论计算结果进行对比,可以看出二者在计算临界裂纹尺寸上具有高度的一致性。可见在小范围屈服(Small-Scale Yielding,简称SSY)情况下,使用有限元法进行破前漏裂纹稳定性分析是可行的。
In nuclear power plants pipelines, the J-T method is frequency adapted to calculate the limit loads and the critical lengths of cracks in the crack stability analysis of LBB (Leak-Before-Break) technology. In this article, Finite Element Method is used. First, pipe models with cracks are built; the key points to mesh the cracks are pointed out. Then, the J-integral analyses are applied to the models in Abaqus. At last, the critical lengths of cracks of simulation results are compared with the theoretical results~ it is easy to find that they are quite similar. The results show that FEM can be used in the crack stability analysis of LBB under Small-Scale Yielding conditions.
Nuclear Safety