目的探讨胎儿先天性大叶性肺气肿(CLE)的产前超声声像特点及其临床结局。方法回顾性分析2011年1月至2014年5月10例出生后确诊为CLE患儿的产前超声声像特点,随访其临床结局。结果 10例产前超声发现胸腔高回声肿块胎儿出生后确诊为CLE,其中7例发生在左上肺叶,5例内有多发囊性回声,9例曾有心脏受压移位,肿块内未探及主动脉来源供血。出生后CT及病理均诊断为CLE。结论产前超声可检出胸腔高回声肿块,发生在上肺叶的肿块并占据整个肺叶时应高度警惕CLE的可能。
Objective To investigate the prenatal ultrasonic characteristics and clinical outcomes of fetal congenital lobar emphysema (CLE). Methods A retrospective analysis was done to demonstrate the prenatal ultra-sonic characteristics of 10 children diagnosed as CLE after birth from January 2011 and May 2014. The clinical out-comes were followed up. Results Ten patients were diagnosed with CLE after birth, whose prenatal ultrasound mani-fest hyperechoic masses in the fetal chests, in which 7 cases occurred in the upper left lobe, 5 cases were found with multiple cystic echo in the masses, 9 cases were detected with compression and shift of the heart. No aortic blood ves-sel that supplied blood to the mass was found in all the cases. All the cases were diagnosed as CLE by CT and patholo-gy. Conclusion Prenatal ultrasound can detect thoracic hyperechoic mass, and the masses locate in the upper lobe and occupy the whole lobe should be more vigilantly suspected the possibility of CLE.
Hainan Medical Journal