
论侵略罪的构成要件 被引量:1

The Clarification of the Elements of the Crime of Aggression
摘要 国际刑法范畴内的国际犯罪是以追究个人刑事责任为目的,并不涉及国家责任问题,但是侵略罪却与国家行为具有极其密切的联系,侵略罪的构成要件本身就包含了国家侵略行为,这是其他国际犯罪所不具备的特点。只有一个国家的军政领导人才能构成侵略罪的主体,这既可以看作是侵略罪的一个特殊要件,也可以作为对侵略罪在管辖权方面的限制,而在侵略罪的行为要件与心理要件的具体构成方面,学界尚有争论。从学理上厘清侵略罪的构成要件问题,能够促进国际刑事司法机构对侵略罪行使管辖权,对未来侵略行为起到震慑作用,有助于国际和平与安全。 The key issue of establishment of international crimes is individual criminal responsibility other than state responsibility.However there is a close relationship between the crime of aggression and state act.The act of aggression is the contextual element of the crime of aggression, which is a feature distinct from other international crimes.Leadership element is a special requirement for the crime of aggression, and the material and mental ele-ments of the crime are still under discussion.The clarification of the elements of the crime of aggression could pro-mote the exercise of jurisdiction over the crime of aggression in the International Criminal Court.
作者 薛茹
出处 《西安政治学院学报》 2015年第3期99-105,共7页 Journal of Xi'an Politics Institute
关键词 侵略罪 要件 侵略行为 Crime of Aggression,Element,Act of Aggression
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