随着脑卒中患者的与日俱增,医院如何形成标准的康复训练规范,以便能简洁地铺设训练至家庭及社区,成为亟待解决的问题。针对此,尝试在Visual Studio2010开发环境下,以动作处方为中心构建科学、可靠的康复动作库,使动作库满足医学规范要求,服务生成的数据可按需融入后续训练。康复动作库有助于优化训练方案的生成流程,可为患者提供医学指导。同时,它生成训练方案的操作界面比较符合医护人员的操作习惯,提高了康复训练社区家庭化的可行性。目前,动作库按左、右患侧针对上肢、躯干、下肢部位编写收录了17个动作,为其在康复领域的继续深化奠定基础。
With the growing number of stroke patients, it was becoming more and more eager to solve the problem about how to form a standard regulation of rehabilitation exercise to make simple training set in home and community. This paper discussed the trying of setting scientific and reliable rehabilitation action warehouse under the central guiding of action prescription using Visual Studio 2010 as programming environment. The action warehouse satisfied the standard medical requirements and can produce data for the after training. It also helped optimizing the procedure of forming training plans and improving the possibility of setting rehabilitation exercise in home and community by providing the patients with medical guiding and its operating interface which produced action plan catered to the habits of medical staff. By now we have created and recorded 17 actions to make preparations for further work in the rehabilitation area for the upper limbs, trunk and lower limbs and they are classified by left and right affected sides.
China Digital Medicine
stroke, rehabilitation action warehouse, action prescription