Laser marking is a non-contaet, non-polluting and non-wear marks technology, and can producing permanent mark on the material surfaee. Photoshop is an image processing and graphics software. Picture editing can be carried out more effectively with the help of its editing and drawing tools. As laser marking technology can only mark a certain gray value of darker colors, images have to be processed into black-white form. Several image processing methods using Photoshop software are discussed in this paper. Suitable black-white images are successfully completed with the help of curve tools, filters tool and the bitmap mode. Samples of the images printed by laser marking are in good quality. People images can be more clearer with the help of curves tool, and the character outlines look like sketch after using filter tools. Bitmap mode can transfer images into different point cloud, which are finally used to produced life-like pictures. Students can choose freely different processing tools according to their personal preferences.
Research and Exploration In Laboratory