Objective To study clinical significance of INF - γ, IL - 10 and Pregnancy hormonal changes in the serum of patients with early threatened abortion merged ehorionie hemorrhage (SCH). Methods 30 cases of pregnant patients with threatened abortion and SCH 5 - 9 weeks for the study group ; 30 cases of patients with threat- ened abortion pregnant 5 - 9 weeks no SCH for the control group I; and 30 cases of 5 - 9 weeks gestation in normal pregnant women as control group II. The concentrations of β - HCG, progesterone (p) , estradiol ( E2 ) , INF - γand IL - 10 in peripheral venous blood were assayed with enzyme - linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results Pro- gesterone, estradiol and β - HCG had not statistical significance between the study group and the control group. β - HCG, Progesterone and E2 of the study group is significantly lower than the control group Ⅱ, and it had a statistically significant difference (p 〈 0.05 ). INF - γ of the study group was significantly higher than control group II with statis- tical significance (p 〈 0.05 ). IL - 10 of study group was significantly lower than the control group Ⅱ with statistical significance (p 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion Increased INF - γ and reduced IL - 10 appeared in early threatened abortion with increased SCH. One of the important factors causing the ehorionic hemorrhage is the increased INF- γand re- duced IL - 10.
Modern Hospitals