2015年3月30日9时47分,贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州剑河县(东经108°48',北纬26°36')发生5.5级地震,震源深度7 km。这是贵州省1949年以来震中在本省的震级最大的一次地震。地震只造成1人受伤,造成直接经济损失5亿多元。地震灾害损失相对较小的主要原因是地震震动持续时间短、震中区木结构房屋较多等。震中100 km2范围内,有多条近北东向活动性断层存在。水库可能对地震的发生有诱发作用。
M5.5 earthquake happened at 9:47 on March 30 th in this year,in Jianhe County( 108°48'E,26°36' N), Guizhou province. Its focal depth is seven kilometers. It is the most magnitude of earthquake which had hap- pened in Guizhou since 1949. The earthquake only caused one people wounded, but it caused damage which is eco- nomic loss of 500 miUion. The main reasons that the loss in earthquake disaster was relatively smaller are the shake time was shorter, the houses with wooden structure were much more and so on. There are several NE-trending active faults in the epicenter within 100 km2. The earthquake may be induced by the reservoir.
Guizhou Science