

Monitoring Ability of Drinking Water at Municipal and County Level CDC in Sichuan Province in 2013
摘要 目的掌握四川省市县级疾病预防控制机构饮用水卫生监测人员组成情况、监测任务量、仪器设备配置情况,及时发现存在的问题和薄弱环节,采取相应对策提高监测能力。方法 2013年使用设计统一的调查表,以电子邮箱定时上报数据和资料,采用EXCEL录入数据和统计分析;现场调查询问。结果水质监测相关人员平均每市(州)11人、每县(市、区)6人,除饮水监测还兼做公共场所、食品等监测。职称构成以初级所占比例42%,中级31.8%,高级职称人员仅有10.6%。学历构成以大专所占比例最大45.5%,本科占26.7%、中专占21.2%。而2010-2012年市(州)、县(市、区)疾控中心国家和省级指令性任务71005件;市县级监测任务数为116076件,其中2010年36605件,2011年38793件,2012年40678件。ICP-MS、无火焰原子吸收仪、火焰原子吸收仪等大型精密仪器市级机构配置均低于40%,县级低于25%。42项常规指标仅有4个市级疾控中心能全部检测并通过计量认证,64项非常规指标中通过计量认证的市级平均为14项;县级疾控中心中97.3%的单位非常规指标能检测数在10项以内。结论四川省市县级疾病预防控制机构承担的饮用水卫生监测任务量逐步增加、要求不断提高,但开展工作所需的软硬件条件未得到同步提升,经费保障不够、人员不足,仪器低水平配置,影响到工作开展的进度和质量。 Objective To grasp the composition of staff of drinking water health monitoring, the quantity of monitoring task, the configuration of instrument and equipments in CDC at municipal and county level, and to indentify the problems and weak links in time and to taken targeted measures to improve the monitoring abili- ty. Methods Self- designed questionnaire was used to collect data and information reported regularly through mailbox. Field investigation was also conducted. EXCEL was used for data entry and statistical analy- sis. Results The average number of staff at each city/prefecture level was 11 and that at county level was 6. Refer to composition of the personnel, the primary titles accounted for 42%, intermediate tides reached up to 31.8% and senior titles accounted only 10.6%. Refer to the composition of education, those with junior college reached up to 45.5% , undergraduate accounted for 26. 7% and secondary specialized school accoun- ted for 21.2%. In 2010 to 2012, the CDCs completed 71 005 national and provincial mandatory tasks. The number of county and city level monitoring task was 116 076, with a sum number of 36 605 in 2010, 38 793 in 2011 and 40 678 in 2012. The configuration rate of ICP - MS, non flame atomic absorption spectrometry, flame atomic absorption spectrometer and other large precision instruments at city level were all below 40% and at county level were all below 25 %. Only 4 municipal CDCs could detect 42 conventional indicators and pass the measurement certification. The municipal CDCS averagely passed the 14 of the 64 measurement certification non - conventional indicators; while 97.3% of the county level CDCs could only detect less than 10 non - conventional indicators. Conclusion Drinking water health monitoring tasks are increasing gradually at all levels of CDCs. However, the software and hardware for work has not been synchronized to upgrade. The guarantee of funds is not enough and the staff is short, addi- tionally, the configuration of instrument is at low level, affecting th
出处 《寄生虫病与感染性疾病》 CAS 2015年第2期89-93,共5页 Parasitoses and Infectious Diseases
关键词 饮用水 监测 能力 对策 drinking water monitoring ability
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