Since You Left Me, after Xu Gan's work there were many imitation works through ages. It became a Yue-Fu title and formed a fixed structure style. The female created with this title began with Bao Linghui, suspended more than a thousand years, and prospered in late Ming Dynasty. The works under the title of Since You Left Me written by the women in inner chambers of Ming and Qing Dynasty had a sense of inheritance and imitating the male scholar. The poetesses showed unique creativity from the negation expression structure and non negative structure in the second sentence, the expressions in the third sentence, and connection in the fourth sentence,. The feminist creation prosperous by the title of Since You Left Me can not be separated from the progress of female society, female's own development, improvement of their education level, especially the reading of previous classical generation. It reflected female's spiritual features of times.
Journal of the Staff and Worker’s University