目的分析睾丸肿瘤的CT表现,评价CT在睾丸肿瘤中的诊断价值。方法回顾分析经CT检查并经病理证实的睾丸肿瘤21例。结果 21例睾丸肿瘤中精原细胞瘤11例,卵黄囊瘤3例,畸胎瘤3例,睾丸间质细胞瘤1例,胚胎性癌1例,淋巴瘤2例。各种类型的睾丸肿瘤具有一定的共同特征,也具有一定的各自特点。结论论CT除可显示睾丸肿瘤及其自身特征,还可同时显示肿瘤转移情况,具有较高的诊断价值。
Objective To analyze CT findings and evaluate its diagnostic value in testicular tumor. Methods 21 cases of malignant testicular tumor which underwent contrast enhanced CT scan and later confirmed by surgical pathology were retrospectively analyzed. Results 21 cases of primary testicular tumor include 11 spermatocytoma,3 yolk sac tumor,3 teratoma,1 interstitial cell tumor of testis,1 embryonal carcinoma,2 lymphoma. Different types of testicular tumor have some character in common at CT scanning, but also possess its own specific CT manifestations. Conclusions CT scanning is capable of detecting the characteristics of testicular tumor and the anatomic as well as the metastatic information,which has a high diagnostic value in patients with testicular tumor.
Capital Food Medicine