目的:通过对针灸治疗功能性消化不良现有文献的整理,提炼出内在真实性较好的临床证据,为临床医师提供科学的针灸治疗方案。方法:全面检索相关文献,并采用Rev Man5.0统计纳入文献疗效结局指标,将阳性结局指标对应的干预措施作为治疗方案。结果:共纳入18篇随机对照试验,筛选出4种优选治疗方案。结论:根据筛选的临床证据,针灸治疗功能性消化不良时可选用经皮穴位电刺激、电针、毫针针刺、穴位埋线等4项优选方案,选穴可以足阳明经脉及任脉为主。通过治疗可主要改善患者上腹痛、反酸、嗳气、腹胀、纳差等症状。
Objective: According to the existing literatures of treating FD by acupuncture, clinical evidences of the inherent authenticity were extracted, providing scientific acupuncture for clinicians. Methods: By comprehensive searching relevant literatures and RevMan5.0 counting efficacy included literatures, interventions of the positive outcomes were recorded as the treatment. Results: 4 kinds of preferred treatment were selected from 18 kinds of randomized controlled trials. Conclusion: According to clinical evidence, transcutaneous electrical stimulation, EA, acupuncture needles, catgut embedding would be chosen during treating FD by acupuncture. The primary points were foot Yangming meridian and Ren. Abdominal pain, acid reflux, belching, bloating, anorexia and other symptoms were improved after treatment.
Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine