In the new Criminal Procedure Law issued in 2012, mental illness compulsory medical procedures is listed as one chapter of the special procedures for the first time, which makes an explicit frame of regulations to mental illness compulsory medical procedures in China. Being the organ of legal supervision, people's prosecu-tor's office should provide an overall supervision for the initialization routine, determination procedure executive program of mechanism of mental illness compulsory medical procedures. But to supervise the new procedures, People's Prosecutor's Office is facing difficulties such as the complex objects of supervision, the weak effect of su-pervision, the lack of legislation and so on. To solve the problem it is a necessity to strengthen the construction and supervision of compulsory medical institutions, promote the supervision effectiveness, improve the team build-ing and personnel training and take other effective measures to perfect the supervision mechanism of mental ill-ness compulsory medical procedures in China.
Journal of Hebei Normal University For Nationalities
mental illness
compulsory medical procedures
supervision mechanism