目的规范健康教育管理,提高健康教育质量和效果。方法按照JCI标准要求,建立跨部门健康教育推动小组,规范健康教育实施流程;制定健康教育评估单和健康教育效果评价系统;制定健康教育质量控制标准和制度;制定健康教育处方模板并资源共享;加强对健康教育者进行知识和技能培训。结果 21个病区健康教育质量均分由2013年3月的86.04%提高到2014年1月的96.29%;患者健康教育满意度均分由85.17%提高到97.80%。结论应用JCI标准实施健康教育,能有效提高健康教育质量和患者满意度,是目前较好的健康教育管理模式。
Objective To standardize health education management and improve its quality and effect.Method In accordance with JCI standard, establish cross-sectorial health education team and standardize the implementation process of health education. Draw up assessment sheet and effect evaluation system of health education. Formulate quality control standards and regulations for health education and prescription template as well as resource sharing. Strengthen the training of health educators.Results The average score of health education quality in 21 wards increased from 86.04% in March 2013 to 96.29% in January 2014. The average score of patients health education satisfaction increased from 85.17% in March 2013 to 97.80% in January2014.Conclusion Implementing health education with JCI standard could effectively improve the health education quality and patient satisfaction. It is a good health education management model.
Hospital Management Forum
Health education