
吻合器痔上黏膜钉合术的临床应用现状与反思 被引量:7

Clinical application of procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids
摘要 随着肛垫滑动学说被广泛接受,痔上黏膜钉合术(procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids,PPH)在世界各地得到广泛的应用.PPH的核心技术是通过环形切除痔核上方一圈黏膜,悬吊肛垫,恢复肛管黏膜正常解剖结构,阻断部分痔上部分血流供应,使痔核逐渐萎缩.尽管PPH顺应现代快速康复的微创化理念,且短期疗效显著(出血少、术后痛苦轻和恢复快),并有望成为"一日手术".但随后更多的回顾性研究和荟萃分析表明,与传统手术相比,仍存在一些不足,例如费用较高,远期复发率较高等.本文主要就PPH在临床的应用现状、术后并发症和相应对策进行相关探讨,以便为临床更好地应用PPH治疗痔病提供参考. As the sliding anal cushion theory is widely accepted, the procedure for prolapse andhemorrhoids(PPH) has been applied all over the world. PPH mainly involves restoring the normal anatomy of the anal canal by circular excision of the mucosa above the hemorrhoids. Therefore, the blood supply is partially blocked so that hemorrhoids will gradually shrink. PPH has many advantages such as rapid rehabilitation, minimal invasiveness, and good short-term outcome(early resumption, less rectal bleeding and postoperative pain). However, many retrospective studies and meta-analyses indicate that, compared with the traditional surgery, PPH still has a number of deficiencies, including relatively high costs, high rates of relapse in a long term and so on. This review discusses the strategies, postoperative complications and clinical application of PPH.
出处 《世界华人消化杂志》 CAS 2015年第14期2245-2249,共5页 World Chinese Journal of Digestology
基金 江苏省"十二五"中医药重点学科基金资助项目 No.JS1301~~
关键词 痔上黏膜钉合术 肛垫滑动学说 Hemorrhoids Procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids Sliding anal cushion theory
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