
论现代性与英国消费社会的兴起 被引量:1

Modernity and the Rise of Britain's Consumer Society
摘要 "光荣革命"与工业革命的发生标志着英国开创现代政治文明和工业文明,至18世纪晚期英国成为欧洲和世界上现代性和现代化程度最高的国家。18世纪英国现代社会的一个重要特征就是逐步迈向现代消费社会,消费活动日益成为英国经济与社会发展的重要动力。现代性及其价值理念带来的理性、自由、经济主义、物质主义和消费主义,深深影响了近代以来欧洲和英国社会的财富观和消费观,于是对物质财富的追求和奢侈消费不再背负道德批判,奢侈消费在推动英国资本主义发展、外贸扩张以及技术革新等方面起了积极作用。作为现代性最重要的特征之一工业化社会成为英国消费社会兴起和形成的坚实基础。 The "Glorious Revolution" and the industrial revolution marked the start of modem political civilization and industrial civilization in Britain. By the end of the 18th century, Britain had become the most developed country in terms of modernity and modernization. An important feature of modem British society in the 18th Century was its gradual move towards a modem consumer society, consumption increasingly becoming a key driving force for economic and social development in Britain. The modernity and its idea of value including rationality, freedom, economism, materialism and consumerism, deeply influencing the concept of wealth and consumption in modem Europe and Britain. Moreover, the pursuit of material wealth and luxury consumption did not suffer moral criticism any longer; luxury consumption played a positive role in promoting the development of capitalism, with the expansion of foreign trade and technological innovation in Britain. As one of the most important features of modemity, industrial society was becoming a solid foundation for the rise of British consumer society. The study of the relationship between modernity and the rise of modem consumer society will help to explore the great social change in the 18th century British society, and provide a good reference for the social transformation in China today.
作者 曹瑞臣
出处 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2014年第4期48-55,共8页 Eastern Forum(JOURNAL OF QINGDAO UNIVERSITY)
关键词 现代性 英国 消费社会 兴起 反思 modernity Britain consumer society rise reflection
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