Medical dispute often is highly specialized, which determines the important position of forensic examination (or appraisal) in civil actions in medical lawsuits. This article based on concluded cases of the court of ifrst instance on medical damage liability disputes in Beijing in 2013 as samples, analyzes the appraisal of medical litigation in reality, points out that both judges and the litigation parties have a strong tendency to rely upon identiifcation, appraisal activities have not followed the principles of “professional review” on “special problems” and “peer appraisal”, and there exist deviations in understandings of the nature and function of medical appraisal, the fuzzy between appraisal rights and the judicial power in adjudication, inadequate examination of expert opinion at trial, lacking the ability to evaluate the judgment of expert opinion by judges. Based on all these, we put forward the reform and reconstruction proposals, and suggestions of the identiifcation of medical litigation system in China.
Evidence Science