赤峰显性核不育谷子是在谷子中首次发现的核不育材料,该材料的育性受2对核显性基因互作控制,一对是显性核不育基因Msch,另一对是显性上位育性恢复基因Rf。两者共同存在时显性上位育性恢复基因Rf能抑制显性核不育基因Msch的表达,从而表现可育。利用已构建的不育基因Msch的上位育性恢复基因Rf的近等基因系(NILs)为材料,通过对300对AFLP引物组合进行筛选,找到了与显性上位育性恢复基因Rf紧密连锁的2个AFLP标记(E15/M52和E20/M41),与不育基因的遗传距离分别是7.0c M和12.7 c M,而且位于不育基因的同一侧,标记间相距5.7 c M。
"Chifeng sterility", a nuclear genic interaction type of dominant male sterility, was the first dominant genic male sterile mutant identified in foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.). The fertility of "Chifeng sterility" can be restored by introduction of a dominant epistatic fertility restoring gene in some millet varieties. One was the dominant male sterile gene Msch, and the other one was the dominant epistatie fertility restoring gene Rf. When the two genes existed at the same time, the gene Rf could control the performance of gene Msch to show fertility. To identify AFLP markers linked with the gene Rf conferring the fertility restoring, no restoring bulk (BH) and restoring bulk (H) produced from the NILs were used to screen AFLP polymorphism. A total of 300 random AFLP primer combinations were polymorphic. Two markers (E15/M52 and E20/M41 were found tightly linked with the dominant epistatic fertility restoring gene with 7.0 cM and 12.7 cM, respectively. The markers were in the same side of the male sterile gene with 5.7cM.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences