High-Resolution Climate System Models is an important tool for climate change studies. It is also impor- tant to improve our capacity in facing climate change issues. Big progresses of the project have been made in the past five years, including the developments of a high-resolution modeling system, the associated model evaluation system, and a multi-model ensemble cou- pling platform: (1) the high-resolution climate system model BCC_CSM2 has a horizontal resolution of 50kin in the atmosphere and 30km in the ocean. The improve- ments to model physics in BCC_CSM2 lead to more re- alistic model performances, which are comparable to the state-of-the-art climate models. The improvements of model performances are more pronounced in East Asia. High resolution also benefits the reproductions of tropi- cal storm and typhoon. (2) Solve the problems associated with the increased resolution, including the com- plex topography in East Asia, model grid in the Polar Regions, dynamic framework, relationship between the typical stratus cloud in East Asia and the Tibetan Plat- eau. (3) Design a dynamical core of a high-resolution general circulation model with horizontal resolution about 50km and develop a high-resolution AGCM based on IAP4. A self-consistent cloud-aerosol-radiation (CAR) ensemble modeling system has been built and has been coupled with IAP4. The effects of cloud sub- grid structures are suggested to be the major physical mechanism that is responsible for the differences in ra- diative calculation accuracies. (4) Develop a flexible multi-model ensemble-coupling platform, which can in- corporate 15 the-state-of-the-art atmospheric models. The platform becomes a new tool for quantifying the role of atmospheric noise and uncertainty in complex air-sea coupling processes. (5) Develop observational metrics for gauging couple model performances including cloud and radiation in East Asia, the East Asia-Northwest Pa- cific monsoon, processes responsible for tropical bias, cloud radiation and fee
China Basic Science
high resolution
climate system model