Google Earth自2005年推出以来,以其易用性和庞大的数据库吸引了众多用户。但由于客观原因所限,某些地区图像分辨率低,且未提供准确的高程数据,不利于地貌地物的分辨和分析。为解决上述问题,笔者通过下载美国SRTM数据,利用Global Mapper软件进行分析、处理和格式转换、生成等高线,并转换成Google Earth支持的KML/KMZ格式。本方法可使地形图和卫星图像进行叠加显示,其使用的数据和软件易于获得,方法操作简便,可在实际工作中有更多的应用。
Since its launch in 2005,Google Earth has attracted many users with its ease of use and a huge database.However,it did not submit accurate elevation data,and certain areas of the image resolution are dwindling for some objective reasons.Geographic features are not conducive to being resolved and analysis.To solve the above problems,author download American SRTM data, using Global Mapper software for analysis,processing and format conversion,generate contours and converted into Google Earth supports KML/KMZ format.This method uses data and software readily available,easy to operate,may have in the actual work more applications.
Science and Technology Innovation Herald