
感知器在船舶航行危险评估中的应用 被引量:1

Perception for Assessing the Risk of Navigation Environment
摘要 为保障船舶安全,避免海损事故,有必要对船舶的航行危险进行评估.航行危险评估可看做是模式识别的问题.通过问卷调查获得航行危险相关数据,采用两种不同的感知器算法对航行危险进行识别,得到了危险评估模型. It’s necessary to assess the navigation environment of ship to avoid sea damage and keep the ship safe. This is an issue of pattern recognition.After comparing two different algorithms of perception used to recognize the risk of navigation environment, a suitable risk assessing model was established with data gathered from questionnaires.
作者 刘用功
出处 《广州航海高等专科学校学报》 2015年第2期24-26,共3页 Journal of Guangzhou Maritime College
关键词 交通安全 航行危险 感知器 危险评估 traffic safety risk of navigation environment perception risk assessment
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