朱红毛斑蛾(Phauda flammans Walker)(鳞翅目:斑蛾科)是榕树上的一种重要食叶害虫,通过室内观察和野外调查,研究了朱红毛斑蛾的形态特征、年生活史及生活习性。结果表明,朱红毛斑蛾卵粒聚集排列成连续线状;幼虫共6龄;雌雄成虫可通过触角鞭节颜色、腹末有无毛须和腹部腹面体毛颜色加以区分。在广西1年发生2~3代,以第2代预蛹期幼虫及蛹和第3代低龄幼虫越冬。成虫羽化高峰为10:00-13:00;交配高峰期为13:00-18:00;产卵高峰期为11:00-15:00;幼虫仅为害榕属植物叶片,当食料缺乏时还会为害其枝条韧皮部;越冬幼虫喜欢在位于地表突出的根系附近或杂草丛下化蛹越冬,极少数在土壤表层0~10mm处做蛹室化蛹。自然条件下发现2种朱红毛斑蛾的寄生性天敌。
Phauda flammans (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) is one of the most serious defoliating pests of Ficus. Morphology, life history and habit were investigated based on the laboratory observation and field investigation. Results showed that eggs aggregated as the form of unbroken linearity, and larvae had six instars. Differences of male and female moths could be distinguished from the color of flagellum, with or without cercus at the end of the abdomen, and the color of hair on the segmental venter. Pupal color usually changed from buff to red. This spe- cies had 2--3 generations per year in Guangxi Province, China. Larval peak of the first and second generations occurred from mid May to late June and early August to mid October. The moth overwintered as the pre-pupae larvae and pupae of the second generation and young larvae of the third generation. Larvae of the second and third generations overlapped. Diurnal peaks of emergence, mating, and oviposition were 10: 00--13:00,13: 00-- 18 : 00, and 11 : 00-- 15 : 00, respectively. Moth could abruptly fall to the ground or abdomen lift when they were disturbed. Larvae could damage Ficus leaves, but phloem was also attacked when they were lack of food. Most larvae preferred to pupate for overwintering near root exposed on the ground and tussock, only few individuals could overwinter at the 0--10 rnm soil depth. Under natural conditions, two parasitic wasps were found. However, the control effect of these parasitic wasps needs to evaluate further.
Plant Protection