
基于Fokker F27机群载荷谱损伤分散性计算分析 被引量:4

Calculation and analysis of the scatter of load spectrum damage based on Fokker F27 airplanes
摘要 为考虑机群载荷谱分散性进行机群可靠性寿命评估,以56架Fokker F27飞机每次飞行的载荷因子-超越数曲线族为基础,编制得到56架飞机的载荷谱,选取SWT公式和线性累积损伤理论计算得到每架飞机的飞行载荷损伤、地-空-地载荷损伤和每次飞行载荷损伤,采用概率坐标回归方法进行拟合优度检验.结果表明,飞行载荷损伤服从威布尔分布、地-空-地载荷损伤服从对数正态分布,综合飞行载荷和地-空-地载荷损伤的每次飞行损伤服从对数正态分布,每次飞行损伤的对数标准差为0.073 7. To assess the reliability life of a fleet, the scatter of the load spectrum must be considered. In this paper, 56 individual load spectra are compiled based on the acceleration-exceedance curves corresponding to a fleet of Fokker F27. With the application of the SWT formula and linear accumulative damage rule, the flight damage and the ground-air-ground (GAG) damage, as well as the total damage per flight have been an- alyzed. Next, the probabilistic coordinate regression is conducted to examine the distribution parameters of the three types of the damage of load spectra respectively. The goodness fit shows that the flight damage follows the Weibull distribution whilst the GAG damage follows the lognormal distribution, and the total damage compre- hensively including flight damage and GAG damage follows a lognormal distribution. In addition, the lognor- mal standard deviation of the total damage is 0. 073 7.
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期551-558,共8页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11002009)
关键词 载荷谱 损伤 分散性 分布 飞机结构 load spectrum damage scatter distribution airplane structure
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