
速度向量成像技术对正常胎儿心功能与孕龄相关性研究 被引量:5

Study of the correlation between heart function in healthy fetuses and gestational age using velocity vector imaging technology
摘要 目的:应用速度向量成像技术(VVI)探索不同孕龄正常胎儿心脏各节段室壁心肌的纵向收缩功能,并研究其与孕龄的相关性,为进一步评价胎儿心脏功能提供理论依据。方法:选取2012年6月至2014年10月期间,在我院行胎儿超声心动图检查,并且结果大致正常的孕妇共171例。按孕周分为4组(分别为20-23+6周;24-27+6周;28-31+6周;32-35+6周)。采集并存储心尖四腔心切面,应用软件描记并分析心室壁各节段心肌纵向运动的参数。结果:各组胎儿左心室壁基底段、中间段、心尖段局部心肌纵向运动速度与孕周呈正相关(r=0.621,P〈0.001;r=0.571,P〈0.001;r=0.522,P〈0.001);应变与孕周呈正相关(r=0.510,P〈0.001;r=0.511,P〈0.001;r=0.609,P〈0.001);右心室壁基底段、中间段、心尖段局部心肌纵向运动速度与孕周呈正相关(r=0.505,P〈0.001;r=0.509,P〈0.001;r=0.511,P〈0.001);应变与孕周呈正相关(r=0.613,P〈0.001;r=0.591,P〈0.001;r=0.587,P〈0.001)。应变率与孕周均无明显相关性(均P〉0.05)。结论:正常胎儿心室壁心肌纵向心功能随孕周的增加而增加。VVI技术可以客观分析胎儿局部心肌纵向运动功能,具有无创、便捷等特点,可以为临床判断胎儿心脏功能提供依据。 Objective: Application of the velocity vector imaging( VVI) study different gestational age of normal fetal heart each section room wall myocardial systolic function. The correlation of above measurements with gestational weeks and heart rate was analyzed. Methods: We studied 171 healthy fetuses which referred for echocardiograms between June 2012 and October 2014. Fetuses were divided into four groups based on gestational age( 20- 23+ 6week; 24- 27+ 6week; 28- 31+ 6week; 32- 35+ 6week). Two-dimensional grayscale images of apical four-chamber views of both ventricles were used for offline analyses. Longitudinal strain,strain rate and systolic velocity were measured in the left ventricular free wall and right ventricular free wall. Results:153 fetuses were analyzed successfully. The gestational age had significant positive correlation with the velocity( r = 0. 621,P〈0. 001; r = 0. 571,P〈0. 001; r = 0. 522,P〈0. 001) and strain( r = 0. 510,P〈0. 001; r =0. 511,P〈0. 001; r = 0. 609,P〈0. 001) in left ventricular in normal fetus. The gestational age had significant positive correlation with the velocity( r = 0. 505,P〈0. 001; r = 0. 509,P〈0. 001; r = 0. 511,P〈0. 001)and strain( r = 0. 613,P〈0. 001; r = 0. 591,P〈0. 001; r = 0. 587,P〈0. 001) in right ventricular The gesta-tional age had no significant positive correlation with the strain rate( P〉 0. 05). Conclusion: Normal fetal ventricular wall myocardial longitudinal cardiac function increases with the increase of gestational age. VVI technology can analyze fetal local myocardial longitudinal movement function objectively. It can provide diagnostic basis for clinical of the fetal cardiac function.
出处 《心肺血管病杂志》 CAS 2015年第5期398-401,共4页 Journal of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases
基金 胎儿心脏病母胎医学研究北京市重点实验室(BZ0308)
关键词 胎儿心脏功能 速度向量成像技术 应变 应变率 Fetal heart function Velocity vector imaging Strain Strain rate
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