将北海分局—年的断面观测资料,用建立数据库。并用本数据库表 19761999 Visual Foxpro 5.0 层、底层、断面海温计算及分析图产品,分析了渤海、黄海冬夏季主要月份海温的分布特征,并获取了一些较新的有关厄尔尼诺事件与黄海海温相关的结论。结果表明:冬季表层等温线分布密集,研究海域由黄海暖舌、北部结冰区、胶东半岛南部弱冷舌几个系统组成,底层海温分布与表层较一致,黄海中部断面呈上下均匀一致的温度分布。夏季表层等温线分布稀疏,底层冷水团发展最强,黄海中部断面有强温跃层出现;各年黄海海温垂直分布场对厄尔尼诺年及反厄尔尼诺年有较显著响应,其程度以准高温均匀层及温跃层较明显,深层无明显响应。即:厄尔尼诺年的准高温均匀层高温线包围的面积小,温跃层明显向表层突起,而反厄尔尼诺年准高温均匀层高温线包围的面积大,温跃层较平缓。
Based on the sectional observation data of North China Sea from 1976 to 1999, a sectional observation database has been developed by using Visual Foxpro 5.0. According to the products of this database, the distribution features of the Yellow and Bohai Seas temperature in winter and summer have been analyzed. Some correlative results of both the El Nino event and the Yellow Sea temperature have been obtained. Results show, (1) in winter the surface isotherms are densely distributed, the studied sea area is composed of the systems of the Huanghai warm tongue, the northern frozen zone and the weak cold tongue in the south of the Jiaodong Peninsula, the seawater temperature distribution at the bottom is consistent with that in the surface and the central section of the Huanghai Sea presents a homogeneous distribution of temperature between higher and lower levels, while in summer the surface isotherms are sparse distributed, the bottom cold water masses develop most strongly and a powerful thermocline occurs in the central section of the Huanghai Sea. (2) The vertical distribution field of seawater temperature in the Huanghai Sea each year has significant response to the El Nino year and the anti-El Nino year to the extent that the quasithermal homogeneous layer and the thermocline are distinct and the deep layer has no obvious response, i.e., the high-temperature lines of the thermal homogeneous layer of the El Nino year encompass a small area and the thermocline obviously protrudes toward the surface whereas those of the anti-El Nino year encompass a larger area and the themocline is flat.
Marine Science Bulletin