藏南康马穹窿是北喜马拉雅片麻岩穹窿的经典代表,穹窿内发育上、下两条拆离断层并将穹窿分为三个构造层,其中上拆离断层分隔了上构造层未变质/轻微变质的特提斯喜马拉雅沉积岩系和中构造层的石榴石二云母片岩,而下拆离断层,即康马拆离断层,分隔了中构造层的石榴石二云母片岩和下构造层的片麻状二云母花岗岩。受康马拆离断层的影响,其上下两盘靠近拆离断层面处的岩石遭受强烈的韧性变形改造,形成了糜棱岩化石榴石二云母片岩和花岗质糜棱岩,宏观构造解析以及构造岩的显微构造分析表明,康马拆离断层经历了上盘向北的伸展拆离。本次研究采用40Ar/39Ar定年方法,选择拆离断层带内糜棱岩化石榴石二云母片岩中同变形新生白云母进行年代学测定,结果显示白云母40Ar/39Ar坪年龄为13.23±0.15 Ma,结合宏微观岩石矿物学分析,认为其代表了向北伸展拆离的变形时间,即康马拆离断层的活动时代,该时代与康马穹窿南部的藏南拆离系的活动时代一致,从年代学上暗示二者可能为同一条拆离断层,是在不同区域的出露,但该结论仍然需要更多地质、地球物理等方面的证据来证实。
The Kangmar gneiss dome, typical of the north Himalayan gneiss domes, is composed of three tectono-lithologic units separated by an upper and a lower detachment fault (Kangmar detachment fault). The low-grade metamorphic Tethyan Himalayan sedimentary sequence formed the upper unit above the brittle upper detachment fault. The mylonitic granites and two-mica granites made up the lower unit beneath the ductile lower detachment fault. The mylonitc middle-grade garnet two-mica schist and biotite-plagioclase gneiss constituted the middle unit inbetween the two detachment faults and were involved in the ductile deformation of the Kangmar detachment fault. The meso- and micro-scale structural analyses on the tectonites from the detachment fault zone indicated that the Kangmar detachment fault experienced a top-down-to-north shear. Integrating macro-/micro-analyses of petrology and mineralogy, this study adopts 40Ar/39Ar dating method to constrain the active time of the Kangmar detachment fault. Analyses of the syn-deformation muscovite from the mylonitic garnet two-mica schist yield a 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of 13.23±0.15 Ma, representing the active time of the Kangmar detachment fault. The chronological result hints that the Kangmar detachment was synchronous with the south Tibet detachment systems to the south and was probably part of the south Tibet detachment systems exposed in the Tethyan Himalayan sedimentary sequence. However, this hypothesis needs from the supports of more geological and geophysical evidence.
Geotectonica et Metallogenia