以‘郑单958(ZD958)’为试验材料,设置冬小麦播前旋耕夏玉米播前免耕(RN)、冬小麦播前翻耕夏玉米播前免耕(MN)和冬小麦播前翻耕夏玉米播前旋耕(MR)3个处理,研究冬小麦-夏玉米播前耕作条件下夏玉米叶面积、叶片光合色素含量、可溶性蛋白含量、叶片保护酶活性及丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化.结果表明:从抽雄期(VT)到抽雄后40 d(VT+40),MN与MR的叶面积显著高于RN;从VT+40到成熟期(R6),MR的叶面积下降幅度显著高于其他处理.叶片光合色素含量呈单峰曲线变化,抽雄后20 d(VT+20)达最高值,之后逐渐下降;与RN相比,MR和MN的叶绿素a含量分别提高11.4%和9.7%,叶绿素b含量分别提高14.9%和15.9%.随着生育进程的推进,各处理的穗位叶可溶性蛋白含量呈下降趋势,MR与MN处理VT^VT+40维持较高水平,较RN分别提高11.5%和24.4%;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性均呈单峰曲线变化,VT+20时期达到最大值,之后逐渐下降,MR与MN的SOD、CAT和POD活性从VT到VT+40维持较高水平;MDA含量均呈上升趋势,RN始终高于MN和MR.与RN相比,MN和MR平均增产24.0%和30.6%;与MN相比,MR平均增产5.2%.MN可有效延缓叶片衰老,有利于产量提高.
This study explored the effects of different tillage treatments at pre-planting winter wheat and summer maize on leaf senescence physiological characteristics of summer maize in double cropping system. Zhengdan 958 was used as experimental material. Three tillage treatments,including rotary tillage before winter wheat seeding and no-tillage before summer maize seeding( RN),moldboard plow before winter wheat seeding and no-tillage before summer maize seeding( MN),and moldboard plow before winter wheat seeding and rotary tillage before summer maize seeding( MR),were designed to determine the effects of different tillage treatments on leaf area( LA),leaf area reduction,photosynthetic pigments content,superoxide dismutase( SOD),catalase( CAT) and peroxidase( POD) activities and malondialdehyde( MDA) content in ear leaves of summer maize after tasselling( VT). LA of MN and MR were higher than that of RN from VT to 40 days after tasseling( VT+40) and LA reduction of MR was the highest after VT+40. As for MR,MN and NT,the photosynthetic pigments content got the maximum value at 20 days after tasselling( VT+20) and then decreased,following the change of unimodal curve. At VT+20,the contents of chlorophyll a in MR and MN were increased by 11. 4% and 9. 7%,the contents of chlorophyll b in MR and MN were increased by 14. 9% and 15. 9%,compared with RN. The soluble protein content in ear leaves decreased following the growth process in all treatments,and that of MR and MN remained 11. 5%and 24. 4% higher than that of RN from VT to VT + 40. SOD,CAT and POD activities of three treatments got the maximum values at VT+20 and then decreased,following the change of unimodal curve. MDA content increased following the growth process in all treatments and that of RN always remained at high levels. Grain yields of MN and MR were 24. 0% and 30. 6% greater than that of RN,respectively. Grain yield of MR was 5. 2% higher than that of MN. In conclusion,the ability of leaf senescence
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
winter wheat-summer maize
tillage method
leaf area
senescence enzyme activity