
晚明澳门与日本贸易中的中国丝织品 被引量:2

On Chinese Silk Piece Goods in Macao-Japan Trade in the Late Ming Dynasty
摘要 大量史料证明,在晚明近百年间,经澳门葡萄牙商人之手输往日本即所谓澳(门)日(本)贸易中的中国丝织品,数量庞大,品种丰富,贸易价值亦相当可观。由于丝织品本身的特性,它不像生丝那样使用总括议价的一次性批发方式进行销售,而是采取更为市场化的方式逐一售买。作为晚明海上丝路文明的重要一环,相关细节的考证可为大航海时代的整体研究提供借鉴与帮助。 In previous researches on the history of sino-foreign trade in the late Ming Dynasty, scholars mainly focused on the famous trade of raw silk. But it has been proved that in the same period, abundantvarieties of Chinese silk piece goods as high grade fabric with considerable commercial value gradually became the major goods exported to Japan via Macao, and Portuguese merchants' important source of income as well. Westerners gained their initial knowledge on Chinese silk piece goods in the early 16th century when they first arrived in the East. Thereafter, as Jesuits and other Catholic missionaries gained access to the China's Mainland, along with the development of sino-foreign trade, Chinese silk piece goods were more and more frequently mentioned in their letters and reports. Those merchants and missionaries even made a detailed description about the way of trade and the export amount which could reach up to thousands of chests. According to some important historical materials (five trade lists), we can get a clear view of some details such as categories and sale prices of Chinese silk piece goods in Macao's export trade in the first half of the 17th century. By comparing it with raw silk and other goods, this paper intends to figure out the actual increase of silk piece goods in specific seasons in order to prove its growing significance in Macao-Japan trade as well as the overall foreign trade in China at that time. Different from raw silk, silk piece goods were of wide varieties and non-standardized shapes with varying length and width. Therefore, in Macao-Japan trade, following the tradition of the Chinese market, silk piece goods were sold at retail by weight according to corresponding qualities, rather than sold in pancada as raw silk. It's worth mentioning that Jesuits started investing in this beneficial trading activity a long time ago. In charge of business activities like a shrewd merchants, procuradors stayed alert to the market and would timely purchase profitable commodities in short
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期25-35,共11页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(11BZJ015) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目 浙江大学历史学系七七学长基金资助项目
关键词 澳门 日本 丝织品 交易方式 Macao Japan silk piece goods way of trade
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