为了探明超级杂交稻‘甬优12’产量与施肥量关系,揭示其单季稻超高产栽培需肥规律,提升整体施肥技术水平,在统一栽培技术措施下测土配方施肥,跟踪调查2012—2013年12个示范方不同施肥组合及施肥量,以专家组实割实收考查产量的方法,对单季稻‘甬优12’施肥量与产量关系及超高产栽培施肥技术进行研究。结果表明,在土壤肥力水平中等的情况下,单季晚稻‘甬优12’产量(Y)随施肥量(有机肥F和N、P、K)增加而递升且呈幂次函数(近似线性)递升,其关系模型为:Y=0.00003F2-0.2963F+11302(Y=0.2301F+9258),Y=0.0504N2+24.566N+1953(Y=51.243N-1543),Y=0.0361P2+26.596P+8707(Y=34.143P+8358),Y=0.0208K2+7.4996K+8499(Y=17.793K+7306)。由此提出,11000~12000 kg/hm2日标产量为投入农家有机肥8000~12000 kg/hm2、纯N量245~265 kg/hm2、P2O5量75~105 kg/hm2、K2O量210~265 kg/hm2,N:P:K比例1.00:0.35:0.93;日标产量15000 kg/hm2为投入农家有机肥15000~20000 kg/hm2、纯N量320 kg/hm2、P2O5量190 kg/hm2、K2O量410 kg/hm2,N:P:K比例1.00:0.59:1.28。后者生产成本大幅度提高,生产风险大幅度上升,需集成超级栽培、肥料运筹、病虫防治、水桨管理等一系列协调促进,才能实现预期日标。
The relationship between fertilization level and yield of 'Yongyou 12' and the technique of fertilization for super high yield cultivation were studied in this research. Fertilization was conducted according to the soil fertile level under the unified cultivation technology. Follow up investigation was carried out of 12 demonstrations of different fertilizer combinations and the amount of fertilizer from 2012 to 2013. The rice yield was examined by the experts harvesting. Our data serve as a useful tool for elucidating the relationship between fertilization level and yield of 'Yongyou 12' and its fertilization techniques in super-high-yielding cultivation. The results showed that under moderate soil fertility levels, the yield (Y) of 'Yongyou 12' was accelerated with the increase of fertilizer application, according with the power function showed as Y-- 0.00003F2- 0.2963F + 11302 (Y=0.2301F + 9258), Y=0.0504N: + 24.566N + 1953 (Y=51.243N- 1543), Y= 0.0361P2+26.596P+870 (Y=34.143P+8358), Y=0.0208K2+7.4996K+8499 (Y=17.793K+7306). Based on the function, in which, the paper summarized a fertilizer combination for 'Yongyou 12' to obtain yield to 11000-12000 kg/hm2, organic fertilizer was 8000-12000 kg/hm2, nitrogen (N) was 245-265 kg/hm2, phosphor (P2Os) was 75 105 kg/hm2 and potassium (K20) was 210-265 kg/hm% the structure of N, P, K ratio was 1.00:0.35:0.93. In another fertilizer combination for 'Yongyou 12' to obtain yield to 15000 kg/hm2, organic fertilizer was 15000- hm% the structure of N, P, K ratio was 1.00:0.59:1.28, and this combination increased both production costs and risk remarkably. For living up to the expectations, a series of coordination measures were suggested including super cultivation, fertilizer application, water management and control of diseases and pets. K
Journal of Agriculture
' Yongyou 12'
Super Cultivation
Fertilizer Application