以上海海洋大学为例,基于虚拟现实技术设计出与现实校园相近逼真的虚拟环境,用户通过计算机的操控与该虚拟环境进行交互,实现对智慧校园的控制。利用Auto Maya、Photoshop、Illustrator等建模、美化软件,进行校园建筑数据获取、3D模型的建立以及贴图纹理的映射等;利用Unity 3D引擎进行用户交互设计,建立起大学实际仿真景观的3D智慧校园。在此基础上,还实现了小地图的展示、界面多参数的调控、界面定位等个性化功能。
Taking Shanghai Ocean University as a studying project,an intelligent 3D campus which is very close to the reality,is designed based on Virtual Reality Technology. Users can interact with this virtual environment by computer,and realize the control of this intelligent campus. Using some modeling,picture processing and engine software such as Maya,unity3 D,Photoshop and the Illustrator,the functions of this intelligent 3D campus and the interaction between users and the environment are implemented through a series of steps including collecting data of the building,establishing the 3D model,texture mapping and the design of the interaction. In the meantime,the paper also achieves some personalized functions,such as showing the map,controlling multiparameter and locating of the interface.
Intelligent Computer and Applications