Based on the sequence data of 1996-2013 years in Chongqing city. The demographic factors into the STIRPAT mod-el,Using Eviews6.0 software.Using empirical econometric analysis of relationship of population size,population,city rate, the aging rate,per capita consumption, between the carbon emissions intensity and emissions analysis. The result is that:The size of the population to the driving force of carbon emissions in the most significant ,indicating that the growth of Chongqing carbon e-missions are closely related with population. The population of city level and carbon emissions intensity is second ,the third driving force has little influence on the per capita consumption. The aging of the population rate was not statistically significant , but it is certain aging will inevitably impact on carbon emissions ,thus requiring attention. Family size has inhibitory effect on long-term carbon emissions. Finally,according to the result of analysis, and discusses the future of Chongqing City carbon emis-sion reduction strategies,in order to effectively control population factors influence on Chongqing’s carbon emissions growth.
Northwest Population Journal