
阿契贝与小民族语言的解域实践 被引量:2

Achebe and Deterritorializing Literary Practice of a Minor Language
摘要 本文聚焦德勒兹文学思想的本源性概念——"小民族语言",试图考证和厘清犹太作家弗兰兹·卡夫卡的小民族语言思想,而德勒兹正是基于卡夫卡的观点对小民族语言进行了哲学层面的抽象与升华。小民族语言思想为我们从事后殖民文学研究无疑提供了理论利器。尼日利亚后殖民作家奇诺瓦·阿契贝也是运用小民族语言写作的大师。对于在非洲文学界饱受争议的语言问题,阿契贝认为非洲英语对于非洲文学,乃至世界文学,具有独特作用和价值。这一观点与卡夫卡的文学语言观形成了鲜明的反差。最后,作者指出小民族语言思想对于文学理论和实践的重要价值在于其"解域"性,即打破理论和实践的固有"辖域",使文学研究和创作处于永不休止的"生成"和"逃逸"过程中。 This paper focuses on a key concept of Gilles Deleuze's literary theory and criticism: minor language,initially proposed by Franz Kafka and later systematically and philosophically expounded by Deleuze. The theory of minor language has provided a unique critical weapon for postcolonial literary critics. The author points out that the Nigerian postcolonial writer Chinua Achebe,celebrated as the founding father of African literature,is a successful minor language writer,which is demonstrated with a minute textual analysis of Achebe 's imaginative writing. As to the issue of literary language,long disputed among African writers and critics,Achebe posits that African English possesses a unique role and value for African literature and even world literature at large. Therefore,English writing as a minor language in Africa is by no means inferior to creative writing in English as a major language,Rather,it is a territorializing practice,which is in sharp contrast to Franz Kafka 's denigrating interpretation of a minor language. Finally,the author argues that the theoretical and practical significance of a minor language lies in deterritorialization,forever breaking free of stereotypical territorialization and enabling literary study and creation to be involved in an incessant state of 'becoming'and 'escaping'.
作者 姚峰
出处 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期143-152,160,共10页 Foreign Literatures
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目"阿契贝与非洲后殖民小说"(项目编号:11YJC752034)的阶段性成果
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  • 2Henry Y. H. Zhao, " Post-Isms and Chinese New Conser- vatism ", New Literary History, 28. 1 (1997) , p. 41. 被引量:1
  • 3Gilles Deleuze, F6lix Guattari, KaJka : Toward a Minor Liter- ature, trans. D. Polan (Minneapolis: University of Minneso- ta Press, c1986) , p. 16. 被引量:1
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  • 5Gilles Deleuze & F~lix Guattari, Kafka : Toward a Minor Lit- erature, p. 25. 被引量:1
  • 6Klaus Wagenbach, Franz Kafka, trans. Ewald Osers (Cam- bridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2003), p. 214. 被引量:1
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  • 8Gilles Deleuze, F61ix Guattari, KaJka : Toward a Minor Liter- ature, p. 21. 被引量:1
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