目的分析2009—2014年成都市金牛区结核病发病情况,了解肺结核病流行特征,为制定防治策略提供依据。方法采用描述性流行病学方法,对金牛区肺结核病疫情报告资料进行统计分析。结果 2009—2014年金牛区共报告肺结核病例2 859例,年平均发病率为41.27/10万,发病率呈先递减后平稳的趋势;发病年龄主要集中在15~44岁年龄组,占发病总数的64.46%;发病以男性为主(67.16%);职业分布居前3位的是家务及待业人员(37.74%)、离退休人员(9.58%)及工人(8.50%);死亡病例主要集中在65岁以上年龄组;患者从发病到诊断间隔时间较长,平均为(187.33±67.28)天。结论金牛区肺结核病发病形势依然比较严峻,部分人群发病就诊意识较弱,发病就诊间隔时间长。要加强对重点人群及高危人群的宣传力度,进一步控制肺结核病的流行及蔓延。
OBJECTIVE To analyze tuberculosis(TB) incidence in Jinniu Ditrict of Chengdu from 2009 to 2014, to understand the epi- demiological characteristics of TB, and provide basis for making the preventive measures. METHODS A descriptive design was used for TB epidemic in Jinniu from. RESULTS 2009 to 2014 There were 2 859 TB cases reported in Jinniu from 2009 to 2014, with an av- erage annual incidence rate of 41.27/100 000, which was decreasing at first, and then had a stable trend; the age of patients was main- ly concentrated in the 15 to 44 age group 64.46%; the male(67.16%) was more than the female; the top three occupations were unem- ployed (37.74%), retirees (9.58%) and worker (8.50%); the mortalities were mainly over 65 years old, And the interval from sick to clinic was long, which was an average of (187.33±67.28) days. CONCLUSION The epidemic of TB in Jinniu is still relatively serious, and some people' s awareness of treatment were weak, the interval from sick to clinic was long. It was necessary to focus on high-risk population' s propaganda to further control the epidemic of TB.
Chinese Primary Health Care
epidemic characteristics