
论移动微屏传播时代的影视生态变革 被引量:5

Ecological Revolution on Film & TV in the Mobile Micro-screen Communication Era
摘要 本文从媒介生态学视角,通过典型案例、综合调查数据与经验观察,研究当前移动微屏传播对媒介生态尤其是影视产业生态带来的影响。移动微屏传播得益于最具颠覆性影响力的移动互联网技术创新,重新界定了媒介与人的关系。新的媒介生态从根本上改变了原有的传-受关系、媒介经济形态、人际社交方式,进而催生了社交影视,即一种基于社交优众的新型影视传播形态,对影视节目的用户收视心理、收视行为模式、影视叙事模式、制作流程、产业布局等多个层面带来深刻影响。本文通过全面论证社交影视的基本特征,进一步开拓了移动微屏传播时代影视研究与产业发展的创新思路。 From the perspective of media ecology,this paper explores the impacts on film and television industry where the media ecology is deeply affected by Mobile micro-screen communication.Benefited from the most subversive technology of mobile Internet,mobile micro-screen communication has redefined the relationship between media and human,and fundamentally changed the original relationship between senders and recipients,the media economic form and ways of socializing.Thus it expedites the emergence of the social film TV,the new video communication patterns based on social quality audiences,which brings profound influences to the users' psychology,behavior pattern,programs narrative mode,production process,industrial layout and other aspects.Furthermore,the comprehensive studies on basic characteristics of social film TV inspire innovational ideas of film TV research and their industry development in this era.
作者 袁靖华
出处 《鄱阳湖学刊》 2015年第2期61-72,共12页 Journal of Poyang Lake
基金 2012年度国家社科青年基金项目"微博时代政民沟通的困境与出路研究"(12CXW003))的阶段性成果 浙江省"之江青年社科学者"行动计划 2013年度浙江省中青年学科带头人学术攀登项目(pd2013295)资助
关键词 终端革命 感官媒介 社交优众 社交影视 用户生成叙事 terminal revolution sensory media social quality audiences social film & TV user-generated narrations
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