目的了解全疆妇幼保健机构财政投入状况及存在的问题,进而提出完善妇幼保健机构投入的建议。方法调取2008-2012年新疆维吾尔自治区关于全疆各级妇幼保健机构卫生信息统计报表、2008-2012年新疆维吾尔自治区卫生总费用研究报告资料。运用Excel建立数据库,采用SPSS17.0软件进行统计学处理,采用描述性的分析方法对有关指标的变化情况进行分析,对不同类型指标的比较分析采用χ^2检验。结果全疆妇幼保健机构财政投入由2008年的35 224.0万元增加到2012年的83 408.1万元,增加了48 184.1万元,投入呈逐年增长趋势;妇幼保健机构财政补助收入占其总收入的比例由37.96%上升到39.25%,提高了1.29个百分点;妇幼保健机构财政补助收入占总财政投入的比例为3.81%~4.54%。2008-2012年全疆不同级别妇幼保健机构财政补助收入有不同幅度的增长。其中县属级妇幼保健机构财政补助收入增长幅度较大,平均增长率为79.84%。妇幼保健机构财政补助收入占总收入的比重远远低于疾病预防控制中心和卫生监督所(中心)的收入。结论政府对各级妇幼保健机构的投入和重视程度不足,政府要高度重视,增加对妇幼保健机构财政投入;优化妇幼卫生资源配置,增加全疆各级妇幼保健机构财政投入。
Objective To understand and explore the government financial input to maternal and child health development of our situation and analyzes the existing problems and put forward to perfect the maternal and child health investment advice.Methods By use of Excel to establish database,using SPSS17.0 software,analyzed change situation of related indicators with the method of descriptive analysis,uses the comparative analysis on different types of index χ^2test.Results The maternal and child health development of our financial investment increased from 2008 in $ 352.24 million to 2012 in $ 834.081 million yuan,an increase of 481.841 million yuan,into showed a trend of increased year by year; Maternal and child health care institutions financial aid from 37.96% to 37.96% of the total income of its revenues,up 1.29%; Maternal and child health care subsidies accounted for the proportion of the total financial investment changes between 3.81% to 4.54%.To 2008-2012,the different level of maternal and child health care institutions have different amplitude of income growth financial aid.rank Xian Shu maternal and child health care subsidies income growth is larger,the average growth rate of 79.84%.Maternal and child health care institutions of financial subsidy income accounted for the proportion of total income is far less than the Centers for Disease Control and prevention and Health Supervision Institute(Center) income.Conclusion Government spending on maternal and child health care institutions at all levels and the lack of emphasis,more attention must be paid to the government,increase financial input to maternal and child health;Optimization of maternal and child health resource allocation,to increase the financial input in maternal and child health care institutions at all levels.
Journal of Xinjiang Medical University
maternal and child health care organization
financial investment
cross sectional study