

The Ecological Roots of Contemporary Goddess Movement
摘要 20世纪当代女神运动是在基督教传统之外发现妇女灵性传统并加以当代诠释的精神运动。它不仅表达了女性主义对妇女赋权的关怀,而且也传达了她们在现代性困境中探寻出路的思考和行动。在此过程中,她们的文化寻根有着深厚的生态寻根意蕴。这一点从女神运动的思想来源、荣耀女神的新异教实践和女神学宇宙论等方面都有充分体现。文章通过析取当代女神运动的生态内涵,以表达这场运动所反映的生态女性主义的核心观点,这就是,在西方近代以来的文化传统中,贬低女性和贬低自然是联系在一起的,因此,妇女的解放与自然的解放也相互依赖。 s: The Goddess Movement in the 20th century, is a feminist spirituality movement to find an ancient goddess tradition outside the Christian tradition, and to seek a feminist interpretation for it. It not only expresses the women ’s concern of empower to the female, but also shows the thinking and action in search of the way out of the modern dilemma. In searching for the cultural roots of woman spirituality, the movement appeared a strong ecological concern. We may identify it in threes fields:sources of the Goddess movement, rituals practices of neo-pagan to honor Goddess, and theology. In this paper, we will analyze the various eco-logical meanings of the Goddess movement pointing out that it is the core value of ecofeminism that the Goddess movement makes significance. That is, in the culture tradition since the modernization in the west, to degrade the female is relate with the degrad-ing of the nature. As a result, the liberation of women is closely related with the liberation of the nature.
作者 张妮妮
出处 《重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第3期84-89,共6页 Journal of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目"生态女性主义研究"(项目号:12YJA720033)阶段性研究成果
关键词 当代女神运动 新异教 生态女性主义 斯塔霍克 C.克里斯特 Goddess movement neo-pagan ecofeminism Starhawk Carol Christ
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