初至波层析成像技术是一种利用地震记录中初至波走时反演地下介质速度分布情况的地震勘探数据反演算法,其成像结果可用于分析解释覆盖层下不同岩性的分界面、陡坎、断裂构造等。本文应用该方法对宿松-枞阳断裂安庆杨桥段进行了探测,根据两条横跨断裂测线的速度剖面,并结合高密度电法结果和地质资料,可以推测出测线探测范围内基岩埋深在25~35 m左右,同时CZ1线桩号130 m、CZ2线桩号350 m,深度30 m以下的低速异常区为宿松-枞阳断裂的反映,断裂呈北东向延伸。
First break tomography technology is a seismic prospecting method using first break pick to invert the velocity distribution underground. It is widely applied in identifying geological structures such as lithological interface, scarp structure and fault fracture zone. In this paper, this method has been carried on to investigate Yangqiao session in Anqing,part of Susong-Zongyang Fracture. According to two inverted velocity profiles accquired by tomography imaging technique, which lies perpendicularly to the target fracture,along with high-density electrical prospecting results and geological data, it could be speculated that the buried depth of the bedrock underground is about 25-35 m. Meanwhile, there lies a low velocity anomaly zone at the depth of 30 m, position of 130 m in line CZ 1,350 m in line CZ2. This should be the response of the Susong-Zongyang Fracture, which extends in the direction of North-East.
Computerized Tomography Theory and Applications