Objective To set up survey items, concerning satisfaction degree of medical staff, suitable to be applied in tertiary hospitals in China. Methods Survey items were determined through the literature review, expert interview, and panel discussion. Results Expert advice was carried out for two rounds with the expert positive coefficients of 88.89 % and 100.00%, respectively, the expert authority coefficient was 0.82. The second-round expert coordination coefficient was greater than the first round, approaching 0.4. After two-round consultation, 16 items concerning personal basic information and working status, 23 items that must be investigated, and five class one and 49 class-two items of satisfaction degree of doctors and nurses were screened out. Conclusion The items of questionnaire survey aiming at degree of satisfaction of medical personnel determined by expert consultation are of scientificity and practicability, which is in keeping with the condition and the features of medical and health care system of our country.
Medical Journal of Qilu
doctors and nurses satisfaction
survey items
delphi method