本文对路德中、晚期宗教改革活动作了认真的考察研究 ,认为他并没有“背叛市民资产阶级的宗教改革路线”、“出卖农民的利益” ,也没有“堕落成为诸侯的奴仆” ,相反 ,他的改革立场是前后一贯的 ,他始终是一位执着追求自己理想的市民资产阶级宗教改革家 ,具有坚定的爱国主义的政治思想家 。
This paper holds that Martin Luther betrayed neither the religious reformation of bourgeois, nor the interests of the peasants. He did not land himself into a servant of the nobility. On the contrary, his stand had always been consistent throughout the reformation. He was a bourgeois reformer who perseveringly pursued his ideal and a political thinker who had firm patriotism. He practically accomplished the tasks entrusted on him by German history then.
Journal of Zhaoqing University