20世纪的最后岁月 ,时间仿佛成了人类自救的庄严祭坛 ,人们把自己当作祭品 ,去祭奠陷落的伟大梦想。洪三泰的小说正表达一种欲望建设反坠入破坏的自救中。对英雄主义的呼应和批判现实的转折 ,是时代文学也是洪三泰创作的进步。从热闹热情的歌德回归平常冷淡的追问 ,他实现一种文学命运的巨变。“这是最好的时代 ,也是最坏的时代” 。
During the late 1990s time seemed to be a self-saving altar on which people offered themselves to memorize the lost great dreams. Hong San-tai's novels express his self-saving desire to build, but resulted in destroy. Calling for heroism and turning of critical practice is a progress in contemporary literature. Hong San-tai's writing is no short of promotion. From warmly praising to backing to cold questioning, he experienced a great change in literature. 'This is the best time, and also the worst time,'is the expression of literature to show its care to the big changes and shaking in southern China during the late 1990s.
Journal of Zhaoqing University