在认知控制研究领域中,冲突适应(conflict adaptation)涉及大脑对冲突进行连续的认知调整,它能反映人类有效控制冲突的基本机制。然而,现有研究还没有充分地揭示冲突适应的脑机制。本研究通过对被试完成字母Flanker任务时的脑电(electroencepihalography,EEG)数据进行有效连通性分析,揭示了冲突适应过程中的神经信息传递机制。在观察任务中,当大脑传递冲突信号时,从左前额叶电极点到中前区电极点的连通性(β频带:20~21 Hz,400~650 ms)增强,以使大脑顺利完成与反应抑制相关的加工;在反应任务中,从中前区电极点到右前额叶电极点,congruency-Congruency条件比incongruency-Congruency条件的连通性(β频带:18~21 Hz,600~1,000 ms)更强。这些结果共同说明β频带的活性调整过程反映了大脑有效的执行控制过程,从而在行为上表现出由冲突观察所诱发的冲突适应。
When confronting difficulties or interference, the brains can effectively utilize cognitive resources to resolve the diffi- culties or suppress interference on the basis of the previous experience. Accordingly, human current performances are optimized (Miller & Cohen, 2001). This phenomenon is named as conflict adaptation (Gratton, Coles, & Donchin, 1992), which is first observed by Gratton et al. in the flanker task (Eriksen & Eriksen, 1974). In the study domain of cognitive control, con- flict adaptation involves a sequential modulation of cognition in the human brain, which can reflect a fundamental mechanism of effectively controlling conflict. However, the existing studies have not sufficiently revealed the brain mechanisms of conflict ad- aptation. The present study performed effective connectivity analysis on the electroencephalography ( EEG) data which were recorded from fifteen healthy human participants when they were preformatting a letter Flanker task, within a conflict observation para- digm (Tang, Hu, & Chen, 2013; Tang, Hu, Li, Zhang, & Chen, 2013; Tang & Chen, 2012}. The stimuli were 5--let- ter arrays consisting of four white capitalized English letters: K, N, F, and W, where a target letter was presented on the central position and two flanker letters were presented on each side ( e. g. , congruent type: NNNNN; or incongruent type: NNKNN). For each trial, the fixation was an asterisk ( * ) or a cross ( +), which indicated that the corresponding trial respec- tively belonged to an observation condition or a response condition. In the observation condition, the subjects were instructed to look at the stimuli without any response. In the response condition, the subjects 'were instructed to make the arranged responses on the master keyboard. The results revealed the neural mechanisms of information transmission in the process of conflict adapta- tion. The EEG data were analyzed by an effective connectivity ananysis method, and the results were s
Psychology(Techniques and Applications)
conflict observation
conflict adaptation
Flanker task
electroencephalography (EEG)
effective connectivity