
明代漕抚创制史迹考略——以王竑为中心 被引量:4

A Study on the Historic Development Process of the Official Position “Caofu” in the Ming Dynasty——Focusing on Wang Hong(王竑)
摘要 以王竑为中心的明代漕抚创制过程,实际包含两条线索轨迹:一是由永乐以来的单一武职总漕,演变为文武双轨制;二是由宣德以来对南直隶江北派设的巡抚,演变为由文官总漕的兼职。明清以来史家多关注前者(漕)而忽略后者(抚),导致一方面混淆了二者的概念和时间次序,另一方面则忽视了王竑之前南直隶江北地区行政管理体制不断调整并日趋稳定的史实。漕抚定制的真正意义在于使永乐北迁后明廷必须解决的南漕北运和加强对南直隶行政管理得以有效兼顾。此外,王竑两任总漕之间的七年间,文官漕抚的职位虽无人填补,但其权力却有所分散、转移,其中监督各府州仓粮和卫所屯粮之权由"总督南京粮储"都御史接收,而管理河道和镇守淮安之权,则重新归属于漕运武臣之手。 The development process of the official position“Caofu” centered around Wang Hong included two lines: the first one is the change from the fact that only military officers held the position in full charge of the canal transportation, which was called Zongcao since the Yongle's reign to the fact that both civil and military officers were in charge of it, the second one is that the imperial inspector named as Xunfu, which was appointed by the court to be in charge of South Zhili and the north part of Changjiang called Jiangbei, became a part time position held by the civil Zongcao. The historical scholars since the Ming and Qing dynasties usually paid their attention on the former one and thus ignored the latter, which resulted not only the confusion about their concepts and time order, but also the negligence to the historic fact that the administrative system in south Zhili and Jiangbei were constantly adjusted and then tended to be steady. The real meaning of the establishment of Caofu system was that the grain transportation from the south to the north and the strengthening of the administration in south Zhili and Jiangbei were taken care of at the same time. Besides, during the seven years between Wang Hong's first position as Zongcao and his second one, although no one took the position of the civil Caofu, its power was actually partly divided and shifted, which meant that the Duyushi in charge of the grain reserves in Nanjing took over the duty to supervise the warehouse grain in the local Fu, Zhou and the stored grains in the military Weisuo and that the duty to manage the canal river bank and to defend Huan' an was again shifted to the military officer in charge of the canal transportation.
作者 胡克诚
出处 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第3期1-10,共10页 Journal of Liaocheng University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社科基金项目(lzxzsolo):太仓库与明代财政制度演变研究 聊城大学博士科研启动金项目:逋赋与明代地方财政管理体制的变迁
关键词 明代 总漕 漕抚 王竑 the Ming Dynasty the officer in charge of the canal transportation(Zongcao) the officer incharge of both the canal transportation and the local supervision (Caofu) Wang Hong (王竑)
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