
东日本大震灾灾后重建规划进展缓慢原因分析 被引量:2

Why Reconstruction Planning Moves Slowly after the Great East Japan Earthquake?
摘要 日本作为自然灾害频发的国家,在历次大规模自然灾害应对经验的基础上形成了较为完善的防灾减灾法律及对策体制。但迄今为止,距2011年东日本大震灾发生已三年半有余,其灾后重建规划工作,以灾后重建规划的制定为主,进展仍旧缓慢。分析归纳了其原因,总结得出重建规划进展缓慢的四个因素如下:受灾地的地域特性;城镇尺度的大规模重建事业,包括以海啸模拟计算为基础的避难计划及四种灾后重建模式两个方面;复杂的灾后重建规划制定流程,包括防灾集团移转促进事业及土地区画整理事业两个主要环节;人力及重建资源不足。 With the frequent occurrence of nature hazards, Japan is gradually developing its legislation and organization mechanism of disaster prevention and mitigation into perfection. However, three and a half year have already passed, the reconstruction project especially the reconstruction planning is still stumbling forward. To dig the reason is the research purpose of this article, and four aspects have been concluded as the main factors: the regional characteristics of the disaster affected area; the large municipality-involved scale of reconstruction work, referring to the evacuation plan based on the basic of tsunami simulation and the four reconstruction modes; the complicated process of making reconstruction plan, including two procedures of Promoting Group Relocation for Disaster Mitigation and land readjustment projects; the insufficiency of experience and reconstruction resources, both in manpower and material.
出处 《结构工程师》 北大核心 2015年第2期57-66,共10页 Structural Engineers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51478356) 国家科技支撑计划“高速磁浮交通工程集成系统研究”(2013BAG19B01) 日本学术振兴会科学研究助成基金(26420559)
关键词 东日本大震灾 灾后重建规划 地域特性 城镇尺度的规模 规划制定流程 重建资源 the Great East Japan Earthquake, reconstruction plan, large municipality-involved scale, process of making reconstruction plan, reconstruction resource
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