目的 :评价乳腺导管造影联合导管内窥镜对溢液性乳腺疾病的诊断价值。方法 :对216例乳头溢液患者同时行乳腺导管造影与导管内窥镜检查,并与病理结果进行对比分析。结果:病理诊断中央性乳头状瘤62例,其中乳腺导管造影正确诊断56例,符合率90.3%,导管内窥镜诊断60例,符合率96.8%;病理诊断外周性乳头状瘤9例,造影诊断7例,符合率77.8%,内窥镜诊断5例,符合率55.6%;病理诊断乳腺癌12例,造影诊断10例,符合率83.3%,内窥镜诊断7例,符合率58.3%。结论:乳腺导管造影联合导管内窥镜可以提高溢液性乳腺疾病的诊断率,减少漏诊率及误诊率。
Objective:To evaluate the galactography combined with fiberoptic ductoscopy in diagnosis of nipple discharge.Methods:216 patients with nipple discharge underwent galactography and fiberoptic ductoscopy,and the pathological results were analyzed. Results:Among 62 cases with central papillary tumor confirmed by pathology,56 cases were diagnosed by galactography,60 cases by fiberoptic ductoscopy,and the coincidence rates were 90.3% and 96.8%,respectively. Among 9 cases with peripheral papillary tumor,7 cases were diagnosed by galactography,5 cases by fiberoptic ductoscopy,and the coincidence rates were 77.8% and 55.6%,respectively. Among 12 cases with breast cancer,10 cases were diagnosed by galactography,7 cases by fiberoptic ductoscopy,and the coincidence rates were 83.3% and 58.3%,respectively. Conclusion:Galactography combined fiberoptic ductoscopy can increase the diagnostic rare of nipple discharge.
Chinese Imaging Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine