Vertigo is a common symptom that interfers with the normal human life, and the vestibular system lesions are the principal causes of vertigo, so the research of vestibular function related areas of normal persons and patients with vertigo is of great significance. Here is to make a review of the research achieve- merits in vestibular structure and function, including positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging, and comparative analysis on the activation - deactivation patterns between healthy subjects and patients with acute or chronic peripheral or central vestibular lesion during caloric or galvanic vestibular stimnlation. Although some particular e^etivatiorm artd deactivations can be attributed to functional deficits in distinct vestibular disorders, the thorough understanding of the complex puzzle of the various multisensory and sensorimotor functions of the phylogenetically ancient vestibular system is still only in its infancy.
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